What Is Proof Of Stake?

What Is Proof Of Stake?

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A blockchain is a form of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that is highly protected by cryptographic encryption. Information is combined into blocks that are connected to one another to build an immutable chain of information, which serves as proof of the presence of a transaction or any sort of data at any specific instant in time on the blockchain.

Since there is no centralized authority to govern and regulate the system, user consensus is vital to achieving the system’s security and long-term viability. The development of a consensus mechanism that prescribes the rules by which players should play and obey makes it possible to reach a worldwide agreement on the blockchain.

Proof-of-stake is a digital currency consensus technique that offers an alternative to the proof of work employed in Bitcoin. The absence of costly computations and hence a reduced entry hurdle for block generation rewards are the key claimed benefits of proof of stake systems.

What is Proof of Work?

In the early 1990s, Proof of Work (PoW) was used to prevent email spam.

It was a simple concept in which the computers were forced to do some task before sending emails. This task would be easy for anyone sending a legitimate email. However, sending bulk emails would need a large amount of computational power and other resources.

However, Satoshi Nakamoto, the one who developed Bitcoin, was the first to implement this idea for use in a cryptocurrency system in Bitcoin.

Ordering in the Blockchain

The very first block on the blockchain is termed the genesis block and some even call it as block 0 in a PoW blockchain. It is embedded or in better terms, hardcoded into its operating software. This block does not relate to any prior block by convention. New blocks being added to the blockchain network always link to the previous blocks and also contain a copy of the entire, updated ledger.

Use of Resources and Energy

Through a tough competition in which a handful of players (miners) are encouraged to waste computational and power resources in order to develop new legitimate blocks that meet the network’s regulations, Proof of Work algorithms determine who can make changes to the ledger.


Then, the nodes (a computer operating the Bitcoin blockchain software) confirm transactions, eliminate double-spending (the malicious act of transferring the very same coins to different beneficiaries), and determine whether suggested blocks should be appended to the blockchain.


Miners on the blockchain in a Proof of Work blockchain compete against one another to answer rigorous math equations in a process of complex mathematical problem solving known as hashing in order to generate a new block on the blockchain. These equations are difficult to solve, but the blockchain network should be able to validate the right answer with ease.


Computational power and resources are used with encryption in Proof of Work to promptly achieve consensus and verify the authenticity and legitimacy of transactions that take place on the blockchain. network

Miners achieve this by working on a series of pseudorandom integer values also known as a hash. This hash, when coupled with a set of data supplied within the block, is processed through cryptographic hashing and this must yield a result that meets the specified requirements.

The successful hash is then published to the network so that the other miners may determine if the answer is correct or not. If it is accurate, the block is uploaded to the blockchain, and the miner receives the block reward.

Earnings and Rewards

The block reward is the cryptocurrency paid to the miner by the blockchain for each complete and approved block by the network.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, reduce the block reward after a defined number of blocks have been identified. This is done to maintain a deflationary total coin supply on the blockchain network.

What is Proof of Stake?

Proof of Stake is simply a variant of Proof of Work that was created in order to meet its perceived dependence on energy usage as a process of determining blockchain ordering.

Rather than trusting on computers being run by the blockchain miners competing to produce the correct hash, the principle that works behind a Proof of Stake system is that involvement is decided by the amount of coin supply ownership.

The Proof of Stake method selects a participating node (anyone who possesses the coin) to deal with the next transaction on the blockchain using a set of parameters determined by the system.

When a node is chosen, its responsibility is to authenticate  and validate the transaction within the block, and then submit the block to the system for verification.

Ordering in the Blockchain

A Proof of Stake blockchain is very identical to a Proof of Work blockchain network in many ways. This method uses a string of blocks that are aligned in chronological order depending on the order of the transactions.

The genesis block in a Proof of Stake method is embedded into its operating system and is often referred to as block 0. Newer blocks that are created on the blockchain always refer to the previous block and also hold a copy of the entire updated ledger on the blockchain.

It is important to know that in a blockchain developed using the Proof of Stake method there is no contest for who is assigned to contribute new blocks. For this reason, the blocks are usually referred to as “minted” rather than “mined”.

Use of Resources and Energy

Proof of Stake blockchains, unlike Proof of work blockchains, do not select who may propose the blocks simply on processing power and energy use. Proof of Stake proponents frequently touts it as a “more energy efficient” system in which specific nodes are tasked with producing new blocks rather than competing with the other nodes on the blockchain.

Because both Proof of Work mining and Proof of Stake minting require power consumption, both these mining and minting nodes are encouraged to use the cheapest source of energy possible, which is typically generated by renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric power, wind power, or solar rather than greenhouse-emitting natural resources such as coal, etc.

Furthermore, Proof of Stake blockchains necessitate the usage of specialized equipment which are known as the Graphic Processing Units, just like Proof of Work mining equipment known as the Application Specific Integrated Circuits as well as the other computing machines, necessitate the production of resources.

Proof of Stake miners must additionally maintain active internet connections, which necessitates the expenditure of electricity and other recurring cost resources.


Users who intend to be considered for producing blocks on a PoS blockchain must stake or deposit a particular sum of the blockchain’s cryptocurrency in a unique form of a special contract.

The number of coins invested impacts their chances of being the next block producer. In some circumstances, users that engage in malicious activities may be punished by losing their stake.

Proof of Stake may incorporate various deciding variables in order not to always prefer the wealthier nodes. These can include how long a node has staked their currency as well as pure randomness.

Earnings and Rewards

The block reward in Proof of Stake, like the Proof of Work method, refers to bitcoin granted by the blockchain to the node who submits a valid block.

However, because block selection is determined by currency ownership, exchanges may provide staking services that allow users to stake funds on their account in return for more frequent payment.

Importance of Proof of Stake (POS):

The core database structure for recording transactions in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin is a decentralized ledger known as the blockchain, which keeps the full transaction history. The term derives from the concept that transactions are grouped into blocks; every block on the blockchain (excluding the first, known as the genesis block) refers to a previous block. Each Bitcoin network node has its own copy of the blockchain, which is synced with other nodes through a peer-to-peer protocol. Any digital currency system must include a method to protect its blockchain against assaults.


For example, a malicious user may spend money and then reverse the transaction by broadcasting his own version of the blockchain that does not include the spending transaction; because blockchain security does not depend solely on one single authority, users have no previous knowledge as to which version of the ledger on the blockchain is valid.


The security of the Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency networks is based on a proof of work (PoW) mechanism in the manner of block mining. To confirm the legitimacy of the newly mined block, any node that wishes to participate in mining must solve a computationally tough problem known as hash; solutions are awarded to these miners with bitcoins. The method is fair in the respect that if a miner with x percent of total processing power may earn the reward and generate a block with x percent probability. 

A malicious user must accomplish the same challenges as the rest of the Bitcoin blockchain; hence, an assault on Bitcoin will be effective only if the attacker can bring considerable computing resources to force.

The Bitcoin protocol operates in such a way that network security is maintained by physically limited resources: 

  •  special hardware required to conduct calculations, and 
  • electricity required to operate the hardware.

As a result, Bitcoin is wasteful in terms of resources. Bitcoin miners are driven to engage in an arms race to continually deploy additional resources for mining in order to raise their share of rewards. While this results in an assault on Bitcoin prohibitively expensive, the Bitcoin protocol’s environmental unfriendliness has resulted in ideas to construct comparable systems that are far less resource hungry.

Proof of stake (PoS) algorithms are one alternative decentralized ledger implementation that does not rely on expensive calculations for security. Instead of mining power, the likelihood of creating a block and receiving the related reward is proportional to a user’s ownership share in the system. With x probability, an individual stakeholder with x proportion of the total number of currency in circulation produces a new block.

The logic behind proof of stake is as follows: users with the strongest holdings in the blockchain ecosystem have the most interest to keep the network safe from malicious users and attackers, since they would suffer the most losses if the cryptocurrency’s reputation and price declines as a result of the assaults or attacks. An outside attacker would need to acquire the majority of the money to launch a successful attack, which would be extremely expensive for a popular system and would not make any logical sense.



The proof of stake model is predicted to grow into a potentially more competitive and peer-to-peer type of crypto-currency on the blockchains than the proof of work methods owing to the removal of dependency on high energy use, resulting in lower asset prices at adequate network security levels.

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