Can blockchain improve government services and ensure public trust?

Can blockchain improve government services and ensure public trust?

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Welfare of the government services cultivates trust in people. Government is the sole source of rise of any nation. Each government has its own services that is provided to the people to improve the public welfare. All governments try to handle all the processes in the best way possible and avoid drastic changes in any of the operations taking place. Blockchain in government sector is considered to be a boon because blockchain for public services open opportunities and also provide an efficient way to achieve desired outcome. Today the potential of blockchain in government sector is realized to be transformative. This is because with the use of digital ledger platform, government services can be provided much quicker and effective. This article talks about the various challenges faced by government services and how blockchain in government sector provides solutions to overcome those obstacles.

blockchain in government sector and public services

Transformation of government services with blockchain in government sector

Blockchain is able to improve the government in serving their fellow people by meeting their needs and satisfying their requirements with better productivity and performance. This makes people and the fellow citizens trust in the government services provided.  

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Fighting Security concerns

In government sectors, there are numerous kinds of data that are stored and transacted for various reason and purposes. These data that are stored are critical in nature in such a way that, if misused these data might jeopardize even the national security of a country. It may also lead to invading the privacy of the government’s fellow citizens. The security vulnerabilities include stealing of identity, misusing the identify for theft in bank accounts, terrorism, etc.

With blockchain in government sector, these fraud crimes are reduced and any exposure of data is eliminated. In blockchain all data is stored in a encrypted manner. This is achieved through blockchain as it functions over a decentralized network. Also, no changes can be made in the decentralized network since it functions over a network without central authority. If any changes has to be made, the whole network system has to be changed which is almost impossible as it demands huge amounts of time and money.

Supply chain and logistical support

This industry has been supporting government services to provide the delivery of a service at the right time to their citizens. Delay in delivery of a service can lead to misunderstanding of some operation that is taking place within or by the government. This delay in delivery will also result in the loss of trust between the parties involved. It also influences the ability to fulfill the set standards. Hence, the end citizen is the one who gets affected as a consequence.

This challenge can be solved with the help of blockchain in government sector. Since, with blockchain it is possible to get real time location in a precise manner. It also provides the possibility to connect with different logistics partners and suppliers without any wait time. Since blockchain is a decentralized network, many logistics service providers can be connected quickly in real-time. For example, if there is a high demand but supplier or providers or low in number, in such situations with blockchain, the government can connect with local service providers very easily.

Record maintenance lead to better decision making

Documentation of transactions that take place in a government is one of the vast quantities of jobs to be accomplished. In a government service, there are one too many procedures to follow and one too many transactions that place.

Each and every transaction has to be recorded because if something goes wrong in the future, then the recorded transactions can be verified for clarification. The world is moving towards a digital trend and today most of the data is recorded on a cloud system or still in paper documentation. Either way the safety of the records is a question. This is because if the network goes down or any natural calamities occur, these records may be lost.

With blockchain, records are maintained with accuracy and efficiency. These records are accessible anywhere by anyone who is involved in those recorded transactions. These records are stored in the form of a block which is also cryptographic and encrypted in nature. Thus, the changes of a security hack or threat will not affect the stored records.

Everybody will have to follow the regulations of tax payments  

Getting tax from all transactions made is one of the major problems faced by all government services. With cryptocurrencies, there are certain people trying to avoid the need for payment of taxes. But this can be eliminated by using a public or a non-private cryptocurrency.

With the help of the transparency feature offered by blockchain, getting taxes has become easier for government services. The government can identify all transactions and not let anyone avoid tax payment. Using blockchain the burden of heavy tax payment is also reduced. Since transactions and transfers can take place without central authority, this reduces the tax amount and also makes the government move towards becoming a better digital world.

Tourism is also a means of economy for every government

For a country to be attractive, the government should be up to date with real time technologies and trends too. When the government is up to date, the tourism sector of the country also becomes attractive. In tourism, the money plays a major barrier role to all people.

With blockchain, the problem in currency exchange is reduced as the cryptocurrency used is the same for all users. All tourist places when they integrate their operations with blockchain, all services are provided with efficiency and better experience.

Asset registration has never been so faster

One of the traditional challenges faced by various governmental agencies, especially the ones involved in real-estate transactions is the long queueing time in registration of any asset.

Hiring a team of experts and conducting due diligence reviews and inspections is faster with the help of blockchain. This allows peers to connect with each other quickly, verify buyer applications and seller credibility in real-time which in turn allows faster registration of assets.

Securing digital identities has become top priority

With the increase in technological innovation, the chances of hackers to breach firewall and steal digital identities to fulfill their personal agendas might as well be on the rise too. Falsifying or theft of digital identities may lead to various kinds of risk.

Blockchain with its Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Authenticity (PoA) services lead to accomplishing various transactions with successful consensus mechanisms that verify digital identities that has been protected by its own system of encryption. This protects all digital assets and identities from digital theft.

Compliance and prevention of fraud is easier

Data manipulation, redaction of information and various security hacks lead to plaguing of the government infrastructure with unnecessary confusions and  misunderstandings. It may even lead to crippling of the country’s economy.

With blockchain in government sector, no one can alter the system regulations, its data or its functionality. Every transaction and data is transparent to everyone. Alteration of data requires complete restructuring of the entire network which is not possible.

Read MoreThree Ways Governments Can Adopt Blockchain Development Technology

Adopting blockchain improves the government as we know

Storing data as we did before has become old and with every technology update, we need to update and along with it too. The same way every government institution has to evolve too. Using cloud services or blockchain as a service provides better performance of all operations. It helps the government to function as a stable institution without any error or faulty operation. This in turn also increases the trust in government services drastically. When changes are made for the better, let us embrace them.

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