A fully functional and interactive personal stylist mobile app for men, created by men, to build a stylish wardrobe.
Business Overview – MyDiModa
Our client myDiModa, Inc. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, was established in 2014 by Terrence Carroll, a technologist with more than 15 years of experience and a record of excellence in developing, growing and managing strategic accounts for major corporations. Frustrated with the time-consuming (and often unpleasant for guys) process of having to figure out the best outfits for work and play, he came up with an innovative idea called – MyDiModa – fashion app for men
Their main objective was to create a style platform for men where they can suggest what to wear, based on the occasion and event, with styles that are fashion trendy.
The Challenge
Their vision was crystal clear that they want to build a platform that can make it easier for men to build a stylish wardrobe.
However, the challenge on our end was to suggest the right style to the right man for the right occasion based on their existing wardrobe! If we take our own example then too it’s difficult on a daily basis for us to come across as a style statement.
Nothing else than Artificial Intelligence can work here!
Our Approach
Our client got in touch with us through Upwork in October 2014. They gave their left hand in the form of a business idea and we offered our right hand in the form of implementation strength. That’s how, together we joined hands and came up with an excellent personal stylist app for men. Its an app for men, build by men!
We presented wireframes in a fortnight and in just one-quarter of the project tenure, we were ready with UI-UX friendly mobile app. And in another six months, our client had launched apps on Google Play Store and Apple Store.
Why this Personal Stylist App is unique and stands out in a crowd?
Unlike other fashion apps, myDiModa uses Artificial Intelligence to create stylish outfits with what a user already owns or what s/he is considering buying. Precisely, it can be called a stylist in the pocket! Other apps show you pictures of a style randomly, while myDiModa gives you a style based on what a user already owns with the following excellent features
Data security
Responsive appeal
Multi-language support
Powerful and supportive database
Simple UI and Interactive UX
Smooth performance
Offers in-app purchases
Fashion-savvy AI algorithm
Delivery Time: 11 Weeks
Efforts Involved: 4 Person Months
Technologies we used: Amazon EC2, Amazon S3 Content Management, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Load Balancing, PHP with Yii Framework, Swift, Android Java, JMeter, Twilio, Socket.io
Results – A journey from Ideas to Success
In the app, the artificial intelligence pick a unique style based on wardrobe or uploaded pictures of clothes. Other apps show you pictures of a style, myDiModa gives you a style based on what you already own. That’s the USP of this personal stylist app on which our client is flourishing!
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At Solulab, we have helped solo-entrepreneurs, startups and small-mid size organizations to launch their business ideas with great success and less risk. We combine expertise and experience that results in client’s satisfaction. Get in touch with us to figure out how soon you can convert your ideas into realities.
Client Testimonial
“Their professionalism significantly reduced the timings of our in-house team. They executed every aspect of my app perfectly, and often ahead of schedule.”