E-Motive – Revolutionizing the Automotive Marketplace with a Touch of Decentralization

E-Motive happens to be the next-gen decentralized automotive marketplace eliminating the need for middlemen to readily reduce the commission to be paid by the buyers.

Business Overview

E-Motive plays a significant role in bringing about technological advancement in the automotive industry which has been at a standstill for quite a long span of time.

The major focus of E-Motive is to utilize blockchain technology to the fullest and appropriately implement the same into the automotive industry to give it the necessary technological boost.

E-Motive is certainly the next step towards revolutionizing the entire automotive industry by the creation of a decentralized marketplace platform enabling extremely easy buying and selling of vehicles.

E-Motive is the first decentralized automotive platform developed by leveraging the potential of blockchain technology with sustainable as well as environmentally friendly practices.
The Challenges

The plan of E-Motive was to build a decentralized platform that could help extremely easy and convenient trading of vehicles which was certainly a tough task to accomplish.

The backend task is a sophisticated vehicle, and the user verification process, which was required to be built on blockchain as a decentralized network, was challenging.

The discovery phase, which included the listing of features, development of wireframes, and testing different scalable blockchains, involved a lot of challenges.

Listing features and developing wireframes keeping the best UX concepts in mind was a challenge. Moreover, the development phase included architecture setup and integration of design & API, which was tough.

Our Solution

Detailed Discovery
We started with defining the scope of the complete project and then divided the entire project into three phases, which are discovery, development, and marketing, in order to make the entire process smooth, efficient as well as hassle-free.

Distinctive Research & Development
Our team of experts carried out in-depth research & development, which was not only unique but also strategy-oriented, to make sure that the project was innovative. All the listings and wireframes were developed, considering the UX in mind.

Ultra Modern UI/UX
We included all required features and functionalities in the project, which included an admin panel, customer panel, and insurance panel, with very simple yet creative UI elements. Our team made sure to generate all UX terminologies while keeping creative UI, thereby making the user journey extremely convenient.

Thorough Quality Testing
The entire project was thoroughly tested, which underwent rigorous testing conducted by our expert quality analyst team to make sure everything runs fine and smoothly without any kind of interruption, which in turn readily enhances user experience.

Reduced Gas Fees
E-Motive marketplace will induce high bandwidth of user interaction, and SoluLab used Polygon/Matic solution to make the platform scalable as well as facilitate the lowest gas fees for each transaction, thereby making it cost-effective for every user.

ICO Marketing
The E-Motive automotive marketplace also has its ICO, which requires suitable marketing activities. The marketing team of SoluLab helped the project with Crypto Bounty Program as well as custom social media marketing to enhance its reach to users.
Project Features