Technology Is Transforming Classroom Education – Must Read

Technology Is Transforming Classroom Education – Must Read

Table of Contents

Almost a decade back when kids used to go to their schools, their school bags were full of notebooks, drawing books, textbooks, guides and some handpick stationery items. Think about today – is it the case anymore with today’s classroom education? Simply no. Now, the school kit comprises of iPad, MacBook Air, Tablets, Smartphone, etc.

Technology is a centric part of learning not only in many college classrooms but also in ‘k-12 education.

Kids classroom education

For the best outcomes, students need to be kept engaged. And this fact is not unknown to educators. Since the lifestyles have changed, technology has outgrown, the learning methodologies have experienced advancements, the educators need to rejuvenate the way to engage with students.

Students have grown up and kids are growing up with technology so educational institutions must change with the times and adapt to the way students learn best.

Look at the power-pack impact of technology and how it is transforming classroom education

Classroom education beyond the classroom walls

Mobile classroom technology and web-based learning are bridging the gap between the classroom and home learning. Now students can attend classes online from their home also. Similarly, tutors and educators can also provide tutoring at their pace and convenience from their home.

classroom at home

Rising technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning are evolving the roles of educators, students as well as formulating philosophical transformations in approaches to teaching and rebuilding the classroom.

Changing roles of teachers as well as students

Chalks are almost disappeared. Much concentration has been emphasised on interactive gaming for student education. Innovative programs and web-based tools are evolving day-by-day. These can teach students the content that was once paper or chalkboard based.

With technology reaching in the classroom, the traditional roles of both students and educators have changed. Students have become a lot more active and engaged. And, educators have become more of a facilitator than just information sharing machine.

Ebooks and digital textbooks in a vogue

digital textbooks

Online libraries, virtual classes, digital textbooks and e-books are now a norm. With all these mobile devices in the classroom, eBooks are churning out huge popularity. And why not? It indeed makes sense; they are cheaper, easier to access, more interactive and most of the times more up-to-date.

More personalised learning across the globe

Which student doesn’t like personal attention? Due to the advent of technology, classrooms are now becoming more collaborative. Educators can customise learning outcomes Lto fit each student’s progress and learning style. Through these Edtech tools, educators can cede opportunities for students to excel at their own level and velocity.

Smart devices make learning smarter

Earlier students had minimal options in terms of Edtech tools like access to basic MS-EXCEL and other calculators. However, the scenario has turned upside down. Now, for math calculations, various software programs like ST Math, Dreambox and Zearn had made learning easy for students. For assessments, Quizlet is adopted widely for classroom education. Similarly, tablets like Google’s Chromebook are an excellent device for classroom education since they’re not only relatively cheap and interchangeable but also easy to manage and provide access to a range of Google’s educational software. In addition, various educational mobile apps have added fun element for the kids and have succeeded in eliminating their boredom.

Signing off…!

Classroom education is no more restricted to the education imparted amidst four walls. It has extended its scope and expanded its wings across the globe. To stay ahead in the race and beat the intense competition, educators must embrace the latest technology. Go digital!


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